What is EdTech?

Barre Décorative Rose : illustration d'une barre rose servant à des fins décoratives, souvent utilisée pour ajouter un élément visuel distinctif à une présentation ou à une mise en page.
Born in April 2019, EdTech now has more than 70 members: EdTech companies, secondary and higher education institutions, public actor, researchers.

EdTech day is organized by EdTech Lyon, the Lyon-based association of professionals who develop, experiment or use technological or digital solutions to support lifelong learning.

Institutions, researchers, educational institutions, EdTech companies: none of them works in the education and training sector by chance. This sector forces us to look further, to question our practices, to question our convictions, at the level of children and learners: EdTech day is born.

What was the EdTech day about?

Barre Décorative Rose : illustration d'une barre rose servant à des fins décoratives, souvent utilisée pour ajouter un élément visuel distinctif à une présentation ou à une mise en page.
Wednesday, October 13, 2021, we were at the EdTech which took place at the Embarcadère. We were able to attend many conferences:

"Building a hybrid educational path" with 4 testimonials:

- Responding to the challenges of deploying the CLEA Digital certification by individualizing the learning experience
- Integrating a digital solution to develop the student's soft-skills in a company
- Creating a "Presential + 360°" device for the electrical empowerment of geographically dispersed professionals
- Building a hybrid teaching format and putting the professional gesture at the heart of the device

"Developing collaborative pedagogical practices "with 3 testimonials:

- Maximizing the collaboration of a national network in one week!
- Take up the challenge of remote "Collaborative" thanks to digital technology to promote collective intelligence and transform
- Integrate teachers and contributors in project mode on a digital interface that facilitates collaborative mode

"Engage students in their learning" with 4 testimonials:

- Creating autonomy and motivating students by personalizing and individualizing learning
- Responding to the diversity of a class with a playful approach, source of autonomy and motivation
- Managing the group, increasing autonomy and reading time, valuing students and making them responsible
- Supporting student motivation and facilitating their learning by integrating playful elements into a digital environment

"Innovating to improve learning skills" with 4 testimonials:

- Developing students' project skills and creativity by integrating the use of 360/VR experience software into their training
- Optimizing learning time by implementing micro-learning sessions
- Using Artificial Intelligence to target and anchor the acquisition of skills
- Making complex concepts tangible in order to manipulate them in an immersive universe

There were also many testimonies such as Philippe MALBOS' "Making digital technology a new lever for inclusion in higher education", or that of Rose LEMARDELEY, "EdTech for good: Investing in innovation for education", Marie-Caroline MISSIR's "Digital in school, what new skills for the teacher" or even Sylvain MARTINET's "Between tech innovations and regulatory changes, transformations of the training function in companies".

Image de bulles décoratives violette pour le site bsoft.fr

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