
The most famous companies use Bienvenue Event

Are you looking for an all-in-one event platform to manage your events remotely? Welcome Event accompanies you from A to Z to create more efficient and easy to manage events.

Agile event management for businesses

Choose your type of event; remote or hybrid

Welcome Event allows you to create simple and efficient remote events, with our free registration feature, you can create your own landing page and let visitors freely register to your event.

Send your invitations by email or SMS

Once your guests are registered on your list, you can send them the link of your webinar by email or SMS and analyze your sending reports. Welcome Event allows you to save a considerable amount of time on your remote event management, whether it is internal or external.

Hybrid events to expand your audience

Hybrid events will allow you to reach the largest possible audience. Broadcast your events live to your networks or replay them, and track who has tuned in. For those who missed it, send replay content via our event management platform and ensure a perfect experience for your guests.