
An intuitive back-office for efficient registration

Bienvenue Formation offers an interface dedicated to managers and administrators, who have all the access and rights to all the training courses, instructors and participants. Our solution, in addition to offering a complete digital enrolment system, allows you to manage all your documents and certificates on a daily basis, with features that allow you to automate and synchronize all types of administrative processes.

Master your back-office in a few seconds to manage your training courses

An access to the back office allows all your managers to access the students' school life, allowing them to manage absences, delays and receipts.

  • Management of trainers and trainees with import via CSV file
  • Monitoring of enrollment via dashboards and personalized alerts
  • Scheduling of attendance by automated email (no call made by the trainer)
  • Management of learner absences and lateness
  • Consultation and validation of absence receipts submitted by learners
  • Possibility to directly justify an absence for a student

Generate and retrieve your documents with ease

Bienvenue Formation guarantees you time savings thanks to its optimal document management features.

Personalized sign-in sheets

The generation of attendance sheets can be done individually, collectively or by period, with an unlimited export of sheets. You also have the possibility to customize your presence sheets by default (texts, logos, behaviors) and the possibility to have personalized sheets models to choose from according to your needs.

Certificates of achievement and attendance

Your managers will be able to generate certificates of completion (Ministry of Labor model) individually or collectively and also customize their own model of attendance certificates.

File hosting and document signing

We have a file hosting with public sharing within the organization, managers will be able to freely share among themselves the documents of their choice which will be visible only to the organization's staff. They will also be able to create their own document templates to configure signatures.

Toutes les signatures des PDF générés via cachet serveur garantissent la non modification et l’horodatage des documents.

Digitalisez vos questionnaires et QCM et automatisez-les

Thanks to our solution, you no longer need to use third-party software to digitize your questionnaires and MCQs. Bienvenue Formation allows you to create your own fully customizable questionnaires and to automatically schedule their delivery. You can also schedule reminders and visualize the results in graphical form.